電影: Montagu Love
- 1938
羅賓漢歷險記 (1938)
十二世紀英國獅心國王理查參加十字軍東征,王位卻沒有轉交其弟約翰王子代理,約翰懷恨在心,等理查一返國,就在奧地利將他扣押,並會同諾曼人蓋伊爵士竊取政權,假借贖回獅心國王為理由,橫政暴斂,弄得民不聊生,羅賓漢加以阻止被視為造反之徒,只好以黑森林為根據地行俠仗義。 由於羅賓漢體恤民困,吸引被壓迫的農民逃到黑森林避難,讓黑森林反成農民的樂土。約翰看到此種情景大為不悅,部屬就獻計智取,讓羅賓漢自投羅網,假借徵選「全國第一神射手」之名,其實是要擒拿羅賓漢…...
- 1940
The Mark of Zorro (1940)
The Mark of Zorro7.01940HD
- 1937
左拉傳 (1937)
法國名作家左拉一生的故事 ,十九世紀末巴黎僻靜的街區﹐作家左拉和印象派畫家賽尚住在簡陋的房舍裡。兩人生活清貧﹐但志同道合﹐共同為創作而努力。 左拉因為一本描寫妓女悲慘命運的小說《娜娜》問世而聲名大噪﹐此時法國發生了轟動的德雷弗案件﹐德雷弗是猶太裔炮兵大尉﹐因涉嫌間諜罪﹐被捕入獄。德雷弗妻子來向左拉求援。左拉了解案情後﹐深為德雷弗感到不平﹐於是訴諸社會輿論﹐發起了廣泛的聲援行動。左拉本人則遭到軍方右翼勢力的非難。 不久﹐德雷弗被宣判無罪獲釋。左拉維護正義的行為博得公眾讚許。一九○二年﹐左拉因煤...
- 1928
The Wind (1928)
The Wind7.31928HD
- 1940
The Sea Hawk (1940)
The Sea Hawk7.21940HD
- 1939
Gunga Din (1939)
Gunga Din6.51939HD
- 1942
Sherlock Holmes and the Voice of Terror (1942)
Sherlock Holmes and the Voice of Terror6.51942HD
- 1941
The Devil and Miss Jones (1941)
The Devil and Miss Jones7.71941HD
- 1927
The King of Kings (1927)
The King of Kings6.51927HD
- 1940
Northwest Passage (1940)
Northwest Passage6.31940HD
- 1937
The Prisoner of Zenda (1937)
The Prisoner of Zenda7.51937HD
- 1940
All This, and Heaven Too (1940)
All This, and Heaven Too7.21940HD
- 1940
North West Mounted Police (1940)
North West Mounted Police6.31940HD
- 1937
The Prince and the Pauper (1937)
The Prince and the Pauper6.71937HD
- 1937
A Damsel in Distress (1937)
A Damsel in Distress6.41937HD
- 1939
The Man in the Iron Mask (1939)
The Man in the Iron Mask7.01939HD
- 1940
Dr. Ehrlich's Magic Bullet (1940)
Dr. Ehrlich's Magic Bullet6.31940HD
- 1926
The Son of the Sheik (1926)
The Son of the Sheik6.21926HD
- 1928
The Last Warning (1928)
The Last Warning6.61928HD
- 1943
The Constant Nymph (1943)
The Constant Nymph5.81943HD